


Facelift services offered in Glendale and Sherman Oaks, CA

A facelift can help you achieve a more youthful, refreshed, and renewed appearance. These procedures are an area of specialty for Dr. Ashjian at his self-named practice, Peter H. Ashjian, MD. Booking a visit at his office in Glendale and Sherman Oaks, California, is as simple as a quick call or a few moments on the online scheduling page.

Facelift Q&A

What is a facelift?

A facelift is a cosmetic surgery that creates a more youthful and well-rested appearance. Not long ago, many facelift procedures yielded a result that was less than optimal. Stretched, tight, and overly-done results made some fear what a facelift offers. 

Today, however, advancements in the tools and techniques used to perform facelifts support outstanding final results. Having a facelift will leave you looking refreshed and renewed, enhancing your natural beauty. 

Many people choose to add a brow lift or neck lift to their facelift procedure. This allows you to achieve remarkable improvements with only one round of anesthesia and recovery. 

What happens during a facelift?

Dr. Ashjian begins by planning the alterations he’ll perform during your procedure. A facelift is never a one-size-fits-all process, and your surgery is designed to meet your needs. 

On the day of your procedure, you’ll receive anesthesia to ensure you rest comfortably throughout the surgery. Dr. Ashjian begins by making incisions along your hairline to access the underlying tissue. 

He then alters the tissues that give your face its distinct shape and can even tighten your facial muscles. Once he’s happy with the new contouring, he drapes the skin before trimming away any excess skin. Dr. Ashjian takes the time to create incision lines that blend with your skin and fade away over time. 

Be sure to follow all postsurgical instructions provided. Adhering to these guidelines helps you move through recovery with ease and ensures the best possible results. 

How can I maintain the results of a facelift?

Once you see how beautiful your facelift results are, you’ll want to do everything you can to preserve those results. It’s important to avoid gaining or losing a considerable amount of weight after your facelift, as weight changes can alter the results. 

You should also protect your skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays. Your smoother, tighter skin will still show signs of sun damage, so wear high-quality sunscreen. Embracing a solid skincare routine that includes a great moisturizer is also important. 

If you’d like to learn more about how a facelift can move you closer to your aesthetic ideals, book a time to come in and meet with Dr. Ashjian. Online booking is an option, or you’re always welcome to call and check appointment availability.